The Importance of Chewing Chewing is a natural instinct for all dogs, whether it’s the wolf outside or the dog in your living room. An instinct to chew is often higher in puppies than adult dogs. Whatever the age of your dog chewing is a natural behaviour that should be appropriately channelled rather than punished or discouraged. If your dog treats his chews like a highly prized object, its important to know that if you try to take if off him, you are very likely to get a growl or snarl. As humans we get very upset when dogs growl, but this is a really important element of canine communication - A growl is a clear warning and dogs that growl are far less likely to bite as long as you heed the growl and back off. I always explain to Owners that a chew or toy is the equivalent to a dog of me giving you a diamond ring - If I snatch it back, what are you going to do? You are going to object... loudly! By giving your dog a chew or toy and allowing him to take off t...