THE HEIRARCHY OF CANINE NEEDS The Hierarchy of Dog Needs® is an adaptation of Maslow’s Hierarchy of (human) Needs™ . We must first meet our dogs’ biological needs, emotional needs and social needs. Once we feel assured that these foundational needs have been met, we can easily and painlessly work with our dogs to change unwanted behaviours and teach them to live harmoniously with their human pack. We start at the bottom of the pyramid and work our way up. The idea is that we make sure all of the lower level needs are met before we can address and work on the higher levels. BIOLOGICAL NEEDS A dog’s biological needs are the most basic things it needs in life to thrive and maintain good health. This includes proper nutrition and water and a place to sleep that is warm and comfortable. Dogs need a life free from pain and fear, this includes gentle grooming, adequate exercise and health care. It also includes a training prog...