⭐Help Your Dog to Build Confidence
with a Doggie Star Chart ⭐
Some dogs are very reactive, which means that they frequently show barking, growling and lunging behaviours. This is often due to a lack of confidence.
Dogs are just like humans and can suffer from low self-esteem. A dog who lacks confidence is filled with
anxieties and this can lead to aggressive behaviours or be displayed as them.
Luckily there is a lot we can do to help improve a dog’s
confidence which in turn helps them to become more relaxed and less reactive.
Dogs love to solve little puzzles, and I teach them to play “Find It”.
I make puzzles with any junk such as toilet rolls or cardboard boxes. The idea is to hide a couple of tiny treats inside
then ask your dog to “Find it!”
Your dog will smell the treat and then has to work out what
to do to get the treat out! A great tip
is to use a very smelly treat, something that your dog really loves so he will be
very motivated to try to get it out.
Every time your dog finds the treat and eats it, this is a
fabulous reward for him – Like a gold star on a Star Chart!
Here are a few ideas you can use to make treat puzzle games. If your dog
can’t have treats try a toy such as a squeaky ball or a tug toy. You might have
to throw the ball or play tug when your dog has found it to keep him interested.
Wrap up treats in a piece of newspaper
Stuff them in kongs
Make little treat parcels
Put treats in shoe boxes or cardboard boxes that
your dog has to dig right into
Hide them in upside down plant pots
Lay a treasure trail round a room
Plait a long piece of material and stuff treats
in the gaps. To make it more of a
challenge you can soak the material + treats in water and then put it in the freezer.
Hide treats under a blanket
Start off with really easy puzzles – the aim is that your
dog easily solves the puzzles at first, then you can make them more of a
challenge. If the puzzle is too hard, your dog might give up and this wont help
to build up confidence. You want your dog
to keep coming back for more so only play for up to 30 minutes and then stop
and put the games away.
You might find your dog is tired before this because foraging
uses up lots of mental energy.
I often give the dogs I work with their own Doggie Star
Chart, so that their humans can track how many puzzles the dog solves each
day. A few weeks of hard work solving
puzzles really helps to calm many dogs down and build up their confidence.
If your dog would like a copy of my Doggie Star Chart send
me an email and I will send you a free downloadable copy.
That's all for today folks! I
really hope you enjoy the blog and find the information useful.
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